Deviant Paradigm: Of The Wolf Within
Random garbage. Remarks about the comic Deviant Paradigm, notes about my life, comments about politics. This is my place to rant and rave. Fear this, World! FEAR IT!


Nickname: Avvy
Age: 24
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Technomancer and troubleshooter by trade. Programmer by choice. Creator of Deviant Paradigm, somewhat by accident.

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Friday, April 27, 2007

They say it's always darkest before the dawn. Well, this is shaping up to be one heck of a day if the twilight's this dim.

I've said lately that one of four things is going to need to happen by the end of this:

  1. Get a puppy
  2. Kick a puppy (figuratively -- picking on something naive and weak)
  3. Get laid
  4. Kill myself

Well, the last one's pretty much out (unless I fail to graduate here), since why would I want to deny my classes the pleasure? For the second, I'm too exhausted to do it argumentatively, and not cruel enough to do it any other way, so it's out too. The third one...well, I don't have any prospects (Sapph, Mal, put your hands down -- you're missing a few things and have a few others that disqualify you), so there's not much hope of it. So that leaves the first, I guess.

To that end, Sapph, Alan, and I hit the petstore today to look at puppies. Not sure if I've got the room (right now anyway) or the money for a purebred husky, but I sure met a pretty one. She was just adorable (I'm thinking female for a dog, since I think they'd be easier to paper train) and spunky to boot. She and (I assume) her brother were asleep until they brought her out to play. Then her brother started to wonder where she went. When they put her back, the puppies started roughhousing; but she wouldn't take any of his crap. When Sapph saw her winning the fight regularly he made the comment that she was "just [my] sort of girl." Of course, the parents aren't convinced that I need to spend the money, but since I'm not really considering getting a puppy seriously until after next week, I'm not too concerned.

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Tuesday, April 24, 2007

To Envy the Dead
Well, I've got to apologize for the dearth of posts lately. I'm not dead, I just wish I was. Don't expect to hear more from me for the next couple weeks either, I'm afraid. It's the end of the semester and I'm really trying to graduate. My classes are really trying to kill me. So I've got a Senior Thesis to finish (it mostly works; just not exactly according to the proposal), two tests tomorrow and three finals next week. And three relatively difficult math projects. And a whole batch of very hard math homework. I've already been up for more than twenty-four hours now, just getting thesis as far as it is.

Erg...What do I get out of life again, anyway? And Sapph, even though I do dearly love the line, and the running joke, "Nothing right now, but eventually the sex will be fantastic," is not a good answer. Guess I've really got to live by my motto this semester. "Or die trying," indeed.

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