Deviant Paradigm: Of The Wolf Within
Random garbage. Remarks about the comic Deviant Paradigm, notes about my life, comments about politics. This is my place to rant and rave. Fear this, World! FEAR IT!


Nickname: Avvy
Age: 24
See My Complete Profile
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Technomancer and troubleshooter by trade. Programmer by choice. Creator of Deviant Paradigm, somewhat by accident.

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The Big Gay Post

Halloween Party: Images 2005

Deviant Paradigm
Deviant Paradigm: Beware of Catgirl

Semper Nox Noctis
Semper Nox Noctis: Memoirs of the OverAlpha 1


Deviant Paradigm
--My Webcomic--


Enea Volare Mezzo
-- Sapph's Blog --

Events Concerning...
-- Jonathan and Luke's Blog --

Fear No Darkness...
-- Jamie's Blog --

Little Green Footballs
-- My source for political news !!Conservative Site Alert!! --

Random Webcomic

Sunday, March 18, 2007

Happy St. Patrick's 2007!
Wow. Been a long time since I posted anything here. I'll try to actually get something useful up soon. I'd say I'd do more of my ongoing analysis, but, to be honest, Senior Thesis is sucking up all my critical thinking, so the demagogery is currently backburnered. But anyway, Happy Saint Patrick's Day everyone. I'll leave you with this old sketch Sapph made for me once. Yes, I modified the text to be appropriate.


Sunday, March 04, 2007

Yet Another "Not My Week"
Ugh...This has not been my week. Okay, let's start with the fact that what I call The Eternal Grind just keeps going. The Eternal Grind is my Monday/Wednesday classes. Five and quarter, almost straight, hours of class; beginning and ending with difficult math classes. Then we have a terrible snowstorm Thursday. I'm supposed to go to my cousin's wedding (which is roughly five hours away); taking place Saturday. So I try to go home on Friday, but I turn back -- I didn't really want to drive through blizzard conditions on the Interstate. In addition, I manage to pull something in my back trying to help people who've gotten stuck in the snow, which is still bothering me a little. So I try to head out this morning. And I get started late, as usual. Then I manage, on the day when the roads are finally clearing up, to hit a patch of slush and fishtail into a snowbank. So no wedding for me.

Then, just to top things off, both of my math classes have an assignment due and a midterm on Monday. Sweet Lord. All I want to do is pass, that's it. This is going to be a meat grinder.

--- Update 3/4/2007 6:57 PM ---
You know what, never mind. I'm whining about my week, my dad hasn't had a good week in a month. Between accidentally overdosing insulin and almost going into seizures to surgery, to sickness, to hitting the ER today. He's doing fine, but they're keeping him for tonight, since he'd get sick to go home (inner ear inflammation). At least Dad's doing fine. I'm still blessed in some ways.


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