Deviant Paradigm: Of The Wolf Within
Random garbage. Remarks about the comic Deviant Paradigm, notes about my life, comments about politics. This is my place to rant and rave. Fear this, World! FEAR IT!


Nickname: Avvy
Age: 24
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Technomancer and troubleshooter by trade. Programmer by choice. Creator of Deviant Paradigm, somewhat by accident.

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The Big Gay Post

Halloween Party: Images 2005

Deviant Paradigm
Deviant Paradigm: Beware of Catgirl

Semper Nox Noctis
Semper Nox Noctis: Memoirs of the OverAlpha 1


Deviant Paradigm
--My Webcomic--


Enea Volare Mezzo
-- Sapph's Blog --

Events Concerning...
-- Jonathan and Luke's Blog --

Fear No Darkness...
-- Jamie's Blog --

Little Green Footballs
-- My source for political news !!Conservative Site Alert!! --

Random Webcomic

Friday, October 13, 2006

Off on the Grand Adventure
I probably should have mentioned this sooner. My cousin Aaron is getting married this weekend. His fiancee is from California, so they're having the wedding way out there. It just so happens that this weekend is Fall Break for me, so I decided I'd go out there and attend, since most of our family won't be able to make the trip.

Anyhow, I should have mentioned this sooner because I'm currently blogging from my hotel room in California. Did I mention that this is the first time I've flown on an airplane in twenty years? Or that this is the first time I'm going to really be off on my own in a strange place? (Since, you know, once the wedding is over, I have a couple days to entertain myself.) Or that this is the furthest I've ever been from home? I don't have the slightest clue what I'm going to do while I'm out here.

Sounds like an adventure to me!


Monday, October 02, 2006

Gene Pool of +3 Alcohol Tolerance
You know, I'm glad my folks don't read this blog. I spent most of this last week drinking. I drank at least a little every day since Tuesday until today, with Wednesday, Thursday, and Saturday featuring drinking a lot. There's a history of alcoholism in my family and I can see why now. Even sitting here, I'm tempted to pour myself something...Not good at all. I'm not quite at the point of needing to drink, but I want to drink too much.

It's been really bad lately...I just wanted to be able to not care about it, and drinking sufficiently will do that for me. I even managed to be happy on Thursday. Right up until my car's electric window (driver's window) quit working. Again. Stupid thing. Over at Ryan's, we got him talked into cleaning the hot tub. But did I get to go in it? No. Still never been in that thing, which makes me very sad. Oh well, I'd done too many shots of 99 proof fruit liqueurs for it to be a good idea to get into a hot tub anyway, I guess.

The problem I'm facing now is that I can't see the way out of this. Unless ridiculous coincidence intervenes (as it usually does), I'm stuck. And lately, every time there was a coincidence flare, I've ended up worse at the end of it. I just don't know what I'm going to do anymore.

Oh, as I've noted before, I'm known as the Liquor MacGuyver, a title I'm proud of. Last night, Jason summed up my style of mixing pretty well too. I don't measure anything anymore. I don't even count. I eyeball everything. And unlike a real bartender, I don't have much for recipes; instead I have flavors. Start with a base alcohol (mine tends to be Popov vodka, so the objective is to have as much of this in the drink without being able to taste it), and a base mixer. The mixer decides what alcohols you put in the drink, since you're accenting its flavor. I actually mixed a pretty bad drink last night. I was working off of Alan's Orchard Blend V8 Splash (not a very good base, but I was desperate). And then, thinking I was adding 99 Apples, I added a batch of 99 Bananas. It turned out pretty badly. Then I found my mistake and mixed the drink as I intended and the second drink turned out pretty good. So I may have messed up, but I redeemed myself.


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