Deviant Paradigm: Of The Wolf Within
Random garbage. Remarks about the comic Deviant Paradigm, notes about my life, comments about politics. This is my place to rant and rave. Fear this, World! FEAR IT!


Nickname: Avvy
Age: 24
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Technomancer and troubleshooter by trade. Programmer by choice. Creator of Deviant Paradigm, somewhat by accident.

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Like A Horrible Disease
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I Look Better in Binary
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The Big Gay Post

Halloween Party: Images 2005

Deviant Paradigm
Deviant Paradigm: Beware of Catgirl

Semper Nox Noctis
Semper Nox Noctis: Memoirs of the OverAlpha 1


Deviant Paradigm
--My Webcomic--


Enea Volare Mezzo
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Random Webcomic

Monday, May 15, 2006

A Full Weekend, Full Tilt
Well, that was quite the weekend. We started Friday night and it was early Sunday morning before we quit drinking. A weekend filled with movies and more drinking than was probably advisable. Part of it was commiseration with Impresario (he had a bad end to the semester, and I'll leave it at that), part showing him the new apartment since he'll be moving to *LOCATION SUPPRESSED FOR NATIONAL SECURITY* soon and will miss out on the big move in party, and part just having a big party with all my friends I could get together. Ahhzorro, Sapph, Mal, Imp, and I sat around my apartment, drinking, watching movies, playing SPANC, and eating Pizza. Zorro had us get 'not normal person' pizza varieties, but they were pretty good in the end, and he produced some fine spinach artichoke dip. He left me the recipe even, though I'll leave out most of the hot pepper in the future. So sue me, I'm bland. Good party all around though, I think. Also, I discovered that there is a variety of peppermint schnapps that I like. That would be Rumplemintz. It's 100 proof. Mmmmm. So it's double the fun for the use of peppermint schnapps that I gave a few months ago. I can even see just doing shots of it on occaision.

And my fears were finally confirmed. I'm not sure if I should be more afraid now that I am sure it is reality rather than half-imagined horrors, but the images do exist. Private fears realized, I'll admit to the talent behind them. It might be a slight abuse of his talent, but Sapph is pretty darned talented at what he does. He could probably make pretty decent money with it. I mean, that's what Mr. Bernal did. I'm just glad that no one but my close friends stand much chance of tying me to the images, assuming they've seen the light of the Internet. I can't complain about the quality, or the care given, it's just the subject matter that distresses me. But I don't know if they've gone into the open or not. Care to elucidate, Sapph? Honestly, I'm handling this a lot better than I'd expected I would. And a hell of a lot better than I would have a couple years back. Oh Lord, seeing that two years ago would have left me catatonic for days. At least I'm a little "better," I guess. I'll leave you with this advice -- be wary of friendships with artists. They can be dangerous. *grin*


  • At 12:14 PM, May 20, 2006, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    The power to visually display your immagination is a rather terrifying power I do admit. What's really scarry is that I have a will save of like 3 so I'm sory, but it will get abused for 'evil' purposes. However, you got lucky for now. My scanner is too small for the sketch book so that picture and others that I'd like to color and put up have not made it to my computer yet. So, be affraid should I ever get a bigger scanner. >=]


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